Mission Bridge at the Santa Ana River at 7th St. (Mission Inn Blvd) - c.1931
Join The Club
There is no obligation to visit a meeting and decide if you want to join. Membership does not require the ownership of a Ford Model A. Our club has an active calendar of events including monthly driving tours, community awareness, parades, drive-n-dines and technical / mechanical workshops.
7:00 pm on the second Monday of each month except for December. Meetings are held at our sponsor, Fritts Ford. Fleet Building 2nd floor. 7990 Auto Drive, Riverside CA
We hold special off-site meetings in the summer during July and August. See our calendar for more details.
- Complete an application (Print & bring to the meeting)
- Pay your annual dues:
$20 one person.
$25 for two people from the same household.
- Includes a name tag